Friday, April 24, 2009

Real Estate--How Do You Invest In Real Estate If You Have No Money Or Credit?

While the real estate market will always be changing, real estate is one of the few investments that will never go out of style. People simply like having a roof over their heads too much.

If you have no money and no credit, is real estate investing out for you? NO!!!

Consider a lease option investment. Here is what you do in a nut shell.

Find a motivated seller and agree to lease the property. Also agree upon a purchase price that you can buy the property at any time over the next few years.

Next find someone who wants to own a home, but cannot do so just yet. You lease them the property (your contract with the seller lets you do this) and give them a purchase price where they can buy at later.

You charge your buyer more rent and a larger purchase price than you pay the seller.

At the end, you keep the difference in rent and when the property sells, the money comes from your buyer and you keep the extra.

All of this can be done with no money (from you) or banks or credit.

Want to learn more about this? Enroll in our financial education course NOW and you will.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Financial Education--If You Have It, The Future Is Very Bright

Financial education, having it makes the future very bright indeed.

You know, sometimes the worst part of dealing with a crisis like we have over the past few months is simply now knowing what is going to happen.

Have you every been on an airplane flying through some weather and felt uneasy? You tell yourself there is nothing to worry about, but it never completely works because you don't know what's going on in the cockpit (or with the weather).

The pilot, on the other hand, never feels the slightest anxiety. Why? Because he is in control of the plane, he can see the weather ahead and how bad it is, he KNOWS he will steer clear of it, and is thus able to treat the flight as just another day.

The same is true for those with financial education. They saw this storm coming. They knew how to steer clear of the bad parts and harness it to even pick up speed. They know what to do to ensure the future is bright.

Don't wait another day to take control of your future. Yesterday, my stock picks rose 11% in one day. I was not surprised, I know how to read the markets. There is no secret to what I do. You will learn the exact things I do to pick winning stocks and other investment.

Visit my website and enroll today.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free Financial Education Course Complete--Now You Can Survive The Financial Crisis

After many months of work, it's done. The free financial education at is complete.

You have been able to enroll for some time now, but the back end of the course was still a work in progress. At midnight last night, the final installment was added.

The course takes you through the background on the economy, wealth building principles, business skills, how to invest in stocks, and how to invest in real estate.

If you're looking for a short 5 minute lesson to teach you how to build wealth, keep looking. This class is going to teach you how to REALLY invest and build huge wealth. Methods that most people don't know.

Can you become a doctor in a day? No. Nether can you learn everything we have to teach you in a day. Rather, the whole course, from beginning to end is 6 months.

Don't worry, you receive it all in small bit sized chunks every 3rd day.

The course is free. The education will change your life. Enroll now at


Friday, April 17, 2009

What Is The Most Important Reason To Find A Financial Crisis Answer

We all have different reasons for how we are handling the financial crisis. One week ago today, my wife and I came upon what, for us, is the most important reason why we MUST thrive during this financial crisis. Take a look.

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Sprint PictureMail

Visit our website and enroll in our financial education course NOW. It's free and will ensure your family prospers in the months ahead.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Is The "I" Quadrant Of The Cashflow Quadrant?

What is the "I" quadrant? It simply stands for "investor." In other words, it's money working for you.

Many people sometimes think the super rich simply have high paying jobs. While may do have businesses or jobs that pay a lot of money, most of their income tends to come from investments.

Think of this, if you could buy enough investments so the interest would allow you keep your standard of living without having to work, how would that change your life?

Take this a step further. What if you had enough extra income to buy MORE investments every month so your income increased month after month after month even without you lifting a finger? Does that lifestyle sound good?

Many think this is too good to be true. Investing is simply too risky to do this (some say). The truth is investing is NOT risky, being uneducated is risky.

Give your financial education the same time and energy as you do your professional education, and you income will soar.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Stock Market In A Rally...Should You Buy?

After months of watching the stock market take a dump, things have been starting to change. If you've been watching the numbers, the market has been in a rally for the last 4 weeks.

What does this mean to you? Should you buy? Is the financial crisis over?

Once again, there is no easy answer if you don't understand the fundamentals of the economy and wealth building. If you've read my previous posts, you know I believe the fundamentals suggest a high chance we will enter a period of "hyperinflation." This is NOT good for your money if you hold it in cash.

The Federal Reserve, in the past few weeks, has pumped trillions of new dollars into the system. In return, the market is up as is the price at the pump. So the question to be asked is, is this really an increase in value or simply a sign of a devalued dollar (inflation)?

In Germany, between WWI and WWII, they suffered a hyperinflation. The stock market soared in Germany during that time. However, when compared to "value" the market crashed. Therefore, a stock market raising in dollar value does not always mean it is increasing in "real" value.

My personal feeling is that there may be some good buying opportunities for some stocks. However, you do need to be a good student of the economy AND have preset buy and sell standards so you can get your money out FAST if needed..

Gold and Silver are, in my opinion, one of the best investments right now. They have held or increased in value during the current recession, and the fundamentals show they should do very well over the next few years. You will probably need to hold them for a little while to take you profits while the stock market might allow you to make some quick money now.

Remember, you MUST know what you're doing if you intend to enter the market now and make money. I fear many people will see the rally, enter the market, and then get wiped out because they are not financially educated.

I would be more than happy to teach you about the economy and investing so you can KNOW how to make good investment decisions.

Visit my website and enroll in the FREE financial education course today.
