Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Is The "I" Quadrant Of The Cashflow Quadrant?

What is the "I" quadrant? It simply stands for "investor." In other words, it's money working for you.

Many people sometimes think the super rich simply have high paying jobs. While may do have businesses or jobs that pay a lot of money, most of their income tends to come from investments.

Think of this, if you could buy enough investments so the interest would allow you keep your standard of living without having to work, how would that change your life?

Take this a step further. What if you had enough extra income to buy MORE investments every month so your income increased month after month after month even without you lifting a finger? Does that lifestyle sound good?

Many think this is too good to be true. Investing is simply too risky to do this (some say). The truth is investing is NOT risky, being uneducated is risky.

Give your financial education the same time and energy as you do your professional education, and you income will soar.



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