Friday, March 20, 2009

URGENT: Financial Crisis Update....Watch This Update On The Federal Reserve

This happened in our financial world last week. This will change your future. WATCH NOW!!!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You Have A Pension, You're Safe, Right?

The financial crisis is destroying the wealth of investors everywhere. You probably have some friends who have lost almost everything in their 401K. The whole time, you sit back and relax because you have a pension. Your benefits are defined regardless of the stock market.

I know many people who believe this. Instead of taking action to protect their future, they are burying their head in the sand and feel smart for doing so. Yet, they seem to forget that their pension is invested in the stock market. Yes, the same stock market that is currently tanking.

The money for the pension doesn't come from nowhere. Is it possible that assuming your pension will always be there may not be the wisest idea?

Take a look at this post on

"Other states and municipalities are facing similarly difficult choices. In Pennsylvania, the state employees and public teachers pension funds both have warned that employer contribution rates could surge seven-fold from about 4% of payroll to 28%, starting in 2012. The Detroit police and fire pension plan might have to double employer contribution rates to 50% of payroll by 2011, according to the fund's outside actuary.

Two of the nation's biggest public pension funds, New York State Common Retirement Fund and the California Public Employees' Retirement System, also have warned state employers to brace for future rate increases.


The Detroit police and fire pension plan, where employees are ineligible for Social Security so the benefit plan is more generous and costly, employer contribution rates could double to 50% over the next three years unless the markets turn around, said Norman Jones of Gabriel, Roeder & Smith in Southfield, Mich., the fund's outside actuary."

If you are not learning how to thrive in the financial crisis, let this be a wake-up call. Even if you have a pension, you need to get ready just in case.

As always, we'll teach you for FREE.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bernard Madoff Is Going To Jail--Can You Build Wealth Like Madoff Without Becoming Another Madoff?

Bernie Madoff pleaded guilty to one of the largest scams in history. It makes me sick to my stomach. Hundreds of people lost millions while he pocked their money and lived the good life. I'm glad he's no longer on "house arrest" in his million dollar apartment and living in a jail instead. He needs to spend the rest of his life there.

What's worse is that events like these make many believe that this is what the rich do. If someone has money, they must have scammed someone out of theres. Is this true?

Well....sometimes it is, yes. However, there are multiple ways to get rich. You can get rich by breaking the law (like Madoff). You can also get rich by following the law and being a person of integrity. You'd be surprised just how many wealthy people chose the ladder.

After all, if you chose to break the law, you often get caught eventually.

So, how can you become rich fast without being a Bernie Madoff? Check out the link below and find out.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Perfect Financial Investment--What Is It?

What is the perfect financial investment? Is there a perfect financial investment?

Yes and no.

If you're looking for a perfect stock, bond, or house, then I'd say it changes.

However, if you think of an investment as something of value, then you can find some more clarity.

So, what has value? Stocks? Well, a stock in the end is a piece of paper. That paper may be worth a lot or nothing.

Even precious metals lack complete value. Instead, they represent a value that we give to it and, throughout history, has served as an efficient means of exchange. In other words, it was simpler to trade gold and silver than to barter.

I invest in all asset classes depending on the current value. However, I am partial toward real estate. Why? Because people have always and will always need a place to live and conduct business.

As I said before, different financial investments are better at different times. Do I think real estate is a good buy now? Maybe.
It depends on you and where and what type of property.

Click the link below and sign up for our FREE financial education class. You'll learn all about the different type of financial investments and you can decide for yourself what is your perfect financial investment.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Hyperinflation, Is It In Americia's Future? Some Financial Literacy Would Help You Know

Here's some more info to help you build your financial literacy. The video below was referred to me by someone I trust. Take a quick look.

What did you think?

There is a lot going around on the internet today. How can you discern what is creditable and what is not? Financial literacy is how.

If you've taken the time to gain financial literacy, and you've followed what's been going on in the economy, you know that the danger of hyperinflation is very very real.

Do you have the financial literacy to know how to handle a hyperinflation?

I'd be more than happy to teach you what I've learned. Not doom and gloom stuff, but real financial literacy that will allow you to thrive in this current and coming financial crisis.

Enter your name and email NOW and you'll be enrolled in my financial literacy class for FREE.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Financial Literacy-Do You Need More Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy. Do you need more financial literacy?

The Dow fell again (surprised?). Yet, today the president told Americans they should start buying stock. Does this make sense?

On the surface it does. After all, if prices are so low, it would make sense that you should buy at these low prices.

However, solid financial literacy might tell you otherwise. Those who are financially literate might ask, "Are prices cheap because the stock really isn't worth much?"

I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't buy stock now. My point is that unless you're financially literate, you really don't know if now is a good time to buy stock or not. If you buy now without financial literacy, your gambling, not investing.

As things progress, improve your financial literacy and you'll be able to make solid choices that will grow you're wealth starting today.

Enroll in our FREE financial literacy course by entering your information here:


Monday, March 2, 2009

Dow Falls....Again....Do You Have The Financial Education To Make Money In this Market?

I listened to the radio this afternoon as the final report on the Dow came in. If you haven't heard, the Dow closed below 7000 for the first time since 1997. I'd like to say I was shocked, but I'm not.

I'm going to take a guess that you're not shocked about the Dow either. Even if you don't understand the markets, it's just such a normal story these days.

Wealth is never destroyed, it's only transfered. Let me say that again, wealth is never destroyed, it's only transfered. Let me say that again, wealth is never destroyed, it's only transfered.

I don't need to say that again, do I?

There are people who are making money.

Did you know that during the Great Depression, the people who knew what they were doing made more money during the Great Depression than any other market? The same is happening and will continue to happen now.

Even if you've never thought you were interested in learning about money and investing before, now you may want to reconsider.

Even if you think you don't need wealth to make you happy, you still need money to survive. If you don't start learning NOW, you may lose almost everything you've worked for.

You can enroll in a FREE online course that will teach you what you need to know. Enter your name and email in the form below and start NOW.


Enter your name and email here to enroll in your FREE financial education course: