Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Financial Literacy-Do You Need More Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy. Do you need more financial literacy?

The Dow fell again (surprised?). Yet, today the president told Americans they should start buying stock. Does this make sense?

On the surface it does. After all, if prices are so low, it would make sense that you should buy at these low prices.

However, solid financial literacy might tell you otherwise. Those who are financially literate might ask, "Are prices cheap because the stock really isn't worth much?"

I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't buy stock now. My point is that unless you're financially literate, you really don't know if now is a good time to buy stock or not. If you buy now without financial literacy, your gambling, not investing.

As things progress, improve your financial literacy and you'll be able to make solid choices that will grow you're wealth starting today.

Enroll in our FREE financial literacy course by entering your information here:



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