Saturday, May 16, 2009

Gas Prices Rise....Again

Have you looked at the price at the pump recently? Gas is starting to rise again. I hope you enjoyed $2.00 per gallon gas, because it seems to be leaving again.

Now, before we start to panic again, we need to calm down and look at this objectively. First, gas prices WILL go up sooner or later. In fact, the cost of EVERYTHING will go up. Why? Because our currency is not backed by anything. Therefore, we can simply print as much as we want (and we kind of do). Our type of currency ALWAYS results in inflation. It has throughout history.

Now, are the current spikes in fuel prices simply a result of summer travel or is it the start of hyperinflation? Honestly, I'm not sure yet. However, the response you and I should have is no different.

Learn to invest. Learn HOW our currency's not "a Penny saved is a penny earned." Learn what types of investments thrive during inflation. Learn what type of investments you can buy with other people's money and almost no risk.

Learn today.

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