Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Social Security Is About To Go Bankrupt--Hope You've Started Your Own Retirement Plan (And Education)

Social Security is going bankrupt. For your own sake, you'd better have a plan in place.

Social Security is currently to go into the red in 2016 (sooner than expected) and be out of money all together in 2037. Since these numbers continue to be pushed forward, what do you think the chances are of Social Security lasting even that long?

The Federal Government has already squandered the financial future that YOU paid for in each and every paycheck. Is it really safe to assume that pension funds or mutual funds won't do the same with you money?

This should be a wake up call to everyone who does not know how to invest and grow wealth. If you are simply buying mutual funds or counting on your pension, I'm talking to you.

Your future is too important to leave anything to chance. You need to learn how to invest NOW!

You can learn for free. Visit our website.


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